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The Crew

We - Jess, Charlotte and Taylor - met taking part in The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, rowing 3000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean, from December 2021 - January 2022. Whilst it was the hardest thing we've ever done, we loved the experience so much, we're off again! 


With two World Records broken and a World First under our belt, we're on a mission to attempt another World Record for the fastest female trio across the Pacific Ocean.


Jess Goddard

Freelance Designer

Atlantic crossing time: 42 days, 4 hours, 54 minutes 

World First: First mixed team of four to row across the Atlantic (3 women,1 man)

Jess is not one to shy away from adventure! Signing up to row across the Atlantic with four strangers while living and working in Germany in 2019, she completed her crossing as part of a truly international team of four, In Deep Ship. They made land in Antigua after 42 days at sea, completing a world first for a Mixed Four, 3 women and 1 man. She is now a freelance designer, after 8 years at adidas.

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Charlotte Irving

Marketing Lead, Mercer Marsh Benefits

Atlantic crossing time: 42 days, 7 hours and 17 minutes

World Record broken: Fastest female trio to row across the Atlantic Ocean 2021

Charlotte has been rowing since the age of 13, leaving the river for her first ocean crossing with friends Kat and Abby as part of team ExtraOARdinary. Together, they set a World Record for the fastest female trio across the Atlantic Ocean by seven days. Not her first taste of living wild, in 2016 Charlotte hiked the length of America; 2,600 miles along the Pacific Crest Trail, starting south of San Diego on the border with Mexico and heading north along the west coast of the US, finishing 5 months later, eight miles past the Canadian border. Charlotte now works as a Marketing Lead at Mercer Marsh Benefits.

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Taylor Winyard

Director, Stobo Castle

Atlantic crossing time: 40 days, 0 hours and 37 minutes

World Record: Fastest mixed trio to row across the Atlantic Ocean

By day, Taylor is a Director at Stobo Castle Health Spa. At home on the water as a former sprint kayaker, Taylor was one of the 12 athletes fast-tracked onto the UK Sport Girls4Gold talent ID programme launched by British Canoeing in 2014. In 2019, her adventurous spirit took her to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro, and then on to the Atlantic Ocean in 2021 as part of team Atlantic Nomads. Taylor was the first of us to make land in Antigua after 40 days at sea, setting a new world record for the fastest mixed trio, with her two male crew mates Tom and James.

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